HuaraiPaina Market in Ubonratchatani Recommend visiting place local traditional
December 2nd, 2018 Welcome to the 2nd season of HuaraiPaina Market
HuaraiPaina Market in Ubonratchatani Recommend visiting place local traditional
The visitors are surrounded by the local and traditional atmosphere with warm welcome
and the scent of happiness that hard to reveal by words.
Organic Village Ban Nong Tao
A must visiting market!!: HuaraiPaina Market where all members in the village contribute
their soul and heart to build up this very traditional and local market with their love
HuaraiPaina Market opens during 07.00 am-13.00 pm / 2 times a month
Please check our service schedule via Facebook: esanorganicvillage
To avoid losting please visit Google Map by typing: ตลาดต้องชมหัวไฮ่ ปลายนา
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